Big Sur Chipping Pilot Program

The Big Sur Chipping Pilot Program is designed to test the feasibility of providing a long-term chipping service for Big Sur (Mal Paso Creek to the SLO County line). This is a cost-share program, generously funded by a local donor. Residents who choose to participate in will be asked to contribute $100 each. The ten-day pilot is available to residents of the Post Creek, Clear Ridge, and Partington Ridge Firewise USA®-recognized communities.

Big Sur Safety and Evacuation

What’s important to YOU and YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD? We invite you to participate in our  Big Sur Safety and Evacuation Survey. This is an opportunity for you to be heard and help steer your neighborhood evacuation planning activities. The survey will remain open for an extended period of time. Survey responses are posted real-time in the Big Sur Safety and Evacuation Survey Dashboard below. Based on these results, we’ll create an action plan to move forward with those neighborhoods that are interested in developing safety and evacuation plans. The survey is available in Spanish and English.

Big Sur StoryMap

The Big Sur StoryMap is a series of interactive two- and three-dimensional maps containing infrastructure, terrain, weather, fire history, and other information useful for becoming a fire adapted community.  These maps are presentations of local data contained in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). 

Fire Adapted Community Town Hall Recording and Presentation Slides May 16, 2023

Fire Adapted Big Sur Newsletter - Click to Subscribe

Fire Adapted Community Town Hall Recording and Presentation Slides October 25, 2022

Fire Adapted Community

A fire adapted community is a community that understands its risk and takes action before, during and after the fire in order for their community to be more resilient to wildfire.  Fire adapted community members are informed and prepared, collaboratively planning and taking action to better live with wildland fire.

Fire Adapted Big Sur (FABS) is a Community Association of Big Sur (CABS) program. FABS is responsible for facilitating the development and growth of a fire adapted community strategy by establishing and managing Firewise USA® recognition and coordinating other citizen wildfire safety and resiliency activities. recognition and coordinating other citizen wildfire safety and resiliency activities.

FABS is co-aligned with the response zones of Big Sur Fire  and Mid-Coast Fire Brigade , located along the Big Sur coast in Monterey County, stretching from Post Mile Marker 70 to the San Luis Obispo County line.


The National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy (Cohesive Strategy) is a strategic framework, rooted in science, that guides stakeholders to work collaboratively to make meaningful reductions in risk and learn to live with wildland fire.  

The three overarching goals are:  1) Restore and Maintain Landscapes. Landscapes across all jurisdictions are resilient to fire-related disturbances in accordance with management directives.  2) Fire Adapted Communities. Human populations and infrastructure can withstand a wildfire without loss of life and property.  3) Wildfire Response. All jurisdictions participate in making and implementing safe, effective, and efficient risk-based wildfire management decisions.  

A fire adapted community is a human community consisting of informed and prepared citizens collaboratively planning and taking action to safely coexist with wildland fire.  More fully, fire adapted communities are knowledgeable, engaged communities where actions of residents and agencies in relation to infrastructure, buildings, landscaping and the surrounding ecosystem lessen the need for extensive protection actions and enable the communities to safely accept fire as part of the surrounding landscape.

The national Firewise USA® recognition program,  a component of Fire Adapted Communities®, provides a collaborative framework to help neighbors in a geographic area get organized, find direction, and take action to increase the ignition resistance of their homes and community and to reduce wildfire risks at the local level.  Any community that meets a set of voluntary criteria on an annual basis and retains an “In Good Standing Status” may identify itself as being a Firewise USA® site.